Web push notifications

with your customers
via browser

Expand your reach by letting your customers know about important events with pop-up notifications in the browser
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When do you need it?

Advantages of Web Push notifications

Communicate with your customers

Via the home screen of a PC or smartphone

Web Push notifications are hard to miss: they are messages in the browser that are visible on top of other windows


Tell your customers about the launch of a promo, give a discount or notify about order statuses via Web Push

Reach your customer
wherever they are

Web Push notifications work in desktop and mobile versions of all popular browsers

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Attract the attention of your website visitors

Even if the website is closed
Web Push notification is displayed in the browser on top of open tabs
Even if the customer wasn't online
The subscribers will see your message as soon as they are online
Even without customer data
Users are more likely to subscribe to browser notifications because they don't have to leave contacts and can unsubscribe at any time

Boost your results

Segmentation by any parameters
Send newsletters to only to those people who are actually expecting them
Personalization of Web Push notifications
Address subscribers by name and offer relevant content to each user
Newsletters Automation
Sendsay will send the message without your involvement when the customer is online: for instance, at night or at the weekend
Combine it with other communication channels
Use Email, Telegram, VK and other channels to build a single communication system so your message can't be missed

Sending report

Evaluate results: after sending a notification, Sendsay will show you a report so you can find new points of growth

API for developers

Set up sending Web Push notifications from your service via the Sendsay API

Bring visitors back
to the website
Use an additional communication channel to expand your reach and sell more
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Stability and Security

Your emails
will go to inbox

We are careful about what we send. Email providers trust us, so 99.99% of emails reach their recipients


Our office and servers are located in Russia, with prices tied to the rouble. There is no chance that any foreign companies or services would affect the stability of the platform

Your data is protected

We have been checked by security services of top Russian banks

Our customers

Both retail and small businesses as well as banking and government services trust us with their newsletters